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Sign up using Email and Password. Edited by wilder7bc Friday, March 29, 2: Sign in to vote. Any idea on why? I try install IIS7 Powershell snap-in http: pssnapin webadministration

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Improving the question-asking experience. Is this something different? I webadministratipn a question. I have ran into a problem. I try install IIS7 Powershell snap-in http: Here is the function I have in my profile.

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Windows PowerShell enables you to write and create powerful scripts for performing many common administration operations. Please install via Programs and Features or Server Manager".

This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads. The Microsoft Scripting Guys 0 1. Email Required, but never shown. Este complemento de Windows PowerShell contiene cmdlets de Eventos de Windows y de contador de rendimient o.

PSM1 PowerShell Script Module which is just a script that is used to Initialize the variables, functions, etc and controls what is exposed to the user's context and what stays in the modules private context.

It is only available on Windows 7 and later after you install IIS7. This removed a site a small thing I know but its nice when things work like they are supposed to.

By continuing to browse this site, you agree to this use. Remove From My Forums. Sunday, March 24, 5: Did you choose to install the management tools? It installs an existing Active Directory managed service account on the computer on which the cmdlet is run. Any idea pssjapin why?

pssnapin webadministration

Just for completeness the manifest is defined in a text file with the ext. I then looked on this website and someone said something about getting the module information so I typed that in and got the informaton below.

So I am looking for a resolution now on how to get what I need or run a understandable command to get what I need. Sign up using Facebook.

PowerShell – Get WebAdministration – David Kittell

Sign up using Email and Password. Hi I am studying for and on the ISS portion. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Cannot install Powershell Snap-in.

pssnapin webadministration

Kiquenet Kiquenet 7, 28 28 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. I will eventually really study PS in depth covering 1. I think this particular feature is not necessary to load the WebAdministration module but I active all options in "Programs and features. So it looks like it installed.

I had forgotten about post and just now came back to it.

pssnapin webadministration

Proposed as answer by jrv Monday, March 25, 7: If your answer is "no," welcome to our fun little world! We can't be everywhere at once we know—shocking!

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