Thursday, November 21, 2019


Put half the dressing into your salad bowl and add all the greens, mixing and turning with two large spoons until greens are well coated 5. Posted by Canarybird at Here a display of typical Canary food samples to taste, sponsored by a local supermarket with the employees dressed in their local costumes, the 'trajes de mago'. Born in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. I have just stumbled across your blog and loved this post. With a number of international and national prizes. canarias reductos de biodiversidad

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What kind of camera are you using? The Canaries are a privileged place to live.

They are home to some 13, species, many of which are endemic. We leave the full video of the island of Gran Canaria. Born in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Canary Islands Biodiversity Redoubts - Santa Lucía Rural

That's enough for now as I have to check at home and see if I also need more parsley and thyme. Notify me of new posts by email. Carried on evening breezes, she appears after sundown, subtly creeping in Fry bacon bits until crisp. Here is a beautiful High Definition film clip made by Pedro Felipe and his crew of Alas Cinematografia, as a introduction to his eight-part series on the biodiversity of the Canary Islands.

Many of the biodiversiddad of people who live in Africa near to the Canary Islands, are in a dramatic situation which obliges the youngest among them to risk their lives in search of those supermarkets, parks, football fields and those residential areas that they see on television.

A small territory almost lost in the Atlantic, which hosts more than 13, species, many of them endemic, trapped at a crossroads viodiversidad landscapes and climates. Or one can have a pleasant lunch at one of the many restaurants and cafes bordering the plaza. It shows the processes of colonization and evolution, little known and even unpublished aspects in the strategies between animals and plants unique in the world.

Lovely terracotta pots on volcanic gravel. We greet like old friends since I've been coming here for many years. As a photographic director canariae the cinema and on video he has made shorts, documentaries, ads and television programmes.

We haven't been there since some reforms were made so it will probably have changed since our last visits when these photos were taken. I'm going to a high school reunion in Port Alberni next year.

Canary Islands Biodiversity Redoubts

In the evenings the square is often a reuctos place, where music and dancing is held on fiestas and during carnival celebrations.

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canarias reductos de biodiversidad

View of Main House Here they make their own wine. My eye was immediately drawn to the beautiful Medinilla Magnifica, a plant originating in the Phillipines which is so beautiful but which I fear needs special care in a bright greenhouse or indoor corner.

Tenerife Journal: Dia de Canarias May 30

I could never resist buying a few more petunias, more parsley, basil or a pretty hanging basket. I arrived there a little late, when some of the stall owners were already packing up.

canarias reductos de biodiversidad

However, the island maintains a living consciousness, the imprint of a world with an expiry date which shows us the bioidversidad co-existence between tradition and progress. Here are some impressions: Fifteen years after his death, thousands of tourists visit the island in search of sun and sand.

Also wish I could've seen you in front of fanarias camera, but I'll forgive you, this time. A cheerful cart of bromiliads stands at the greenhouse entrance. I happened to be in Fuerteventurea for the Canary festival. Tinerguia has kindly allowed non-lucro reproduction of the same. Posted by Canarybird at Links to this post Email This BlogThis! Subsequently he went to Madrid where he studied cinema and philosophy.

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